Appendicitis Surgery Cost in Philippines

Appendicitis surgery cost in philippines – Appendicitis is a condition where the appendix gets irritated and inflamed.

To make sure the appendix is good and will work just like how it should, there must be appendicitis done to the patient. 

The inflammation is usually caused by infections. Patients usually experience pain in the lower part of the abdomen.

When a patient experience this symptom and other supporting symptoms, doctors will recommend appendectomy for getting out the infections.

When Do You Need Appendicitis Surgery 

appendicitis surgery, also known as appendectomy, will be a solution for patients with chronic appendicitis.

Usually, patients will experience a painful lower abdomen. Doctors will examine the patient’s condition and recommend the most suitable treatment for them.

One of them is by conducting appendectomy on patients with appendicitis.

However, the price will be different based on the patient’s condition. 

The worse the patient’s condition, the more likely he will get an appendectomy procedure.

It makes the surgery important to make sure the patient’s condition is better.

Of course, the patient will also get more medications to make sure they can get the most effective way to cure the patient.

How Much Appendicitis Surgery Cost in Hospital 

If you happen to require this procedure, then you will need to prepare money from PHP 50,000 to PHP 150,000 .

You will get billed when you get the procedure based on your condition.

It can be about how long you have been experiencing the pain and other factors that may worsen how much is appendicitis surgery in Philippines.

You can get a different price if you use any insurance product for your need.

You will also find more affordable options once you get the insurance.

The service and other procedures will also meet your need.

So, it will be good if you want to choose a treatment from a big hospital in the Philippines.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Appendicitis Surgery in the Philippines

The price for appendicitis surgery will vary from one patient to another.

The price will also be affected by the condition, the type of surgery, and other treatments for patient recovery.

There are two kinds of surgeries for the patients, which are open appendectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy.

These two different kinds of procedures have different prices, which can be considered before you decide which procedure to use.

Philhealth Coverage Surgery 

Surgery using insurance products is also recommended to reduce the price.

You can make it more affordable by getting some products from Philhealth coverage surgery.

It makes appendicitis surgery price Philippines more affordable.

You will also get an easier to get the required procedure to recover from your current condition.

Laparoscopic surgery cost also depends on where you get the procedure.

The more sophisticated the hospital is, the more you may pay for the procedure. Therefore, you may want to choose a good hospital where the price is not too high for the procedure.

Using insurance products for surgery and other procedures in the Philippines will really help you.

All you need to do is choose a good insurance product and make sure you pay for it every month. Then, you will also need to make sure you bring all the documents for outpatient so you can get the procedure easily.

Hospital List With Appenditicis Surgery in Philippines

Here is a list of some of the top hospitals in the Philippines that perform appendectomy :

Hospital City
St. Luke’s Medical CenterQuezon City
Makati Medical CenterMakati City
The Medical CityPasig City
Asian Hospital and Medical CenterMuntinlupa City
Cardinal Santos Medical CenterSan Juan City
Cebu Doctors’ University HospitalCebu City
Davao Doctors HospitalDavao City
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical CenterCebu City
Metropolitan Medical CenterManila
De Los Santos Medical CenterQuezon City

What Are the Treatment Options for Appendicitis?

There is an option for treatment for everyone who is battling appendicitis.

When your condition is not too bad, you will get a prescription for antibiotics and other medications that will help you recover.

However, you will still be under the doctor’s examination until you get the best condition.

Once you need to be treated through a more advanced procedure, you will get a recommendation to get appendicitis surgery with the right doctor.

References : medicalnewstoday,

Originally posted 2023-02-01 10:42:00.